Caught Up in Helping the Big Apple

Just a quick check in to let you know we are still moving forward with the big dreams we have for our city. In fact, you might even say we are so caught up in doing our best to help to “Save NYC Together,” that ironically the blog “Save NYC Together” gets a bit ignored. Also, because this is just one site of many that we are involved with.

Magic Transformation to the “New” New York!

I am happy to report that thanks to performing artists among others, our beloved New York City is coming back. The reopening of Broadway has been very helpful. As New Yorkers, we recognize that importance of the arts has in terms of attracting tourists to our city.

Real New Yorkers are Lending a Hand

Another positive thing that is going on is reinventing an outlook. When COVID first started to rear its ugly head, the 1%ers, without a blink, gathered up their big businesses, that were important to the city’s financial existence, and bolted without a thought. And although it seems that  their departure has led to tax woes, on the good side we now know who the real New Yorkers are: the ones who stayed!

What Happened to the Fleeing 1%?

Many of them are living and working in states like Texas and Florida, and we wish them well. In truth though, many of them likely still have luxury apartments here. It’s so if they need to come back for business or even just want to see a Broadway show, they have digs ready.