Three Other Blogs where the Word is Being Spread
Hi. Yianni speaking. Topic one is getting out the message that NYC artists need affordable housing so they can focus on making art that in turn all of us can enjoy. Topic two is to build awareness around the mission that is also is the domain name of this website which is to Save NYC Together.
Taking on Violence
Two of the most destructive forces we face together in NYC are the pandemic and the considerable increase in violence in our streets. As I mentioned on one of the other blogs is that a few days ago, less than a block away from where I live, someone was shot and killed.
Save from Violence
There have been many shootings and deaths here, including those that occurred directly across the street from our home. Pretty much every day in our neighborhood, either a shooting or attack or both occur. How do we save NYC together from ongoing violence like this?
Local Politicians
Part of the solution I believe is to stop tolerating it. Spread the word to others in your neighborhood either digitally or in-person. The more awareness that is built among neighbors, the better. And be sure to let your feelings be communicated to local politicians and others who are paid to maintain peace and quality of life. It is their job. Make them do their job.
Taking on the Pandemic
As you likely know, the new COVID variant known as Delta, is much more contagious and agile than former strains. That is the bad news. The good news is that the pandemic can be gotten better under control, if our fellow Americans are willing to help save the lives of others and maybe even themselves.
Make a Difference
Here is how: get the vaccine. It is as simple as that. If everyone gets the vaccine, we can achieve herd immunity which is the only way we will be able to make a difference.
Get Vaccinated
So, it is my and your job to spread the word to those who may have not yet gotten the vaccine because they do not realize that by not getting vaccinated, they are participating in killing people every day.
When it Comes to COVID and Violence, Use Your Options
I am a dad and monitor the safe passage of my child to school here in our Manhattan community. A discovery has been made that, at least for today in NYC, busses can be a safer method of transportation.
Subway Versus Bus
They are convenient too. Depending on how far you must travel, taking a bus can have a better result getting you where you want to be on time, as opposed to subways. That said though, more and more of good New Yorkers are taking the subway, and its stigma will soon be broken.
You Are What You Think
Repeatedly throughout the years, we hear that how we think will affect our outcomes. And this makes sense. If you have a negative state of mind about something, clearly you will be less likely to take positive action.
Just a thought. And maybe it will reoccur later. Or maybe not. But just having a thought, no matter how fleeting, can be a part of us being able to Save NYC Together.